A Resource for Instructors
This resource emerges out of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against genocide, for human rights and liberation, and seeks to counter the silencing and marginalization of Palestinian scholars writing principally in the social sciences. As such, it contains the work of Palestinian scholars, aiming to centre their contributions and voices.
This is suggested as an initial resource (English language) for teaching university (undergraduate and graduate) courses in the social sciences in Canada. It is a working document, and not a comprehensive list. Material is selected that is authored by Palestinian, and Palestinian Canadian, scholars, and with a view to content of potential relevance to those teaching and learning in the context of the settler colony of Canada (Turtle Island).
Much of the work gathered here was published 2007-2022, and thus does not reflect the full breadth of all relevant scholarship. It is interdisciplinary, focusing on the social sciences.
This initiative is supported by the Hearing Palestine Initiative. Thanks to the inspiration from the Canadian Political Science Association Truth and Reconciliation Committee (https://cpsa-acsp.ca/syllabus/).
Palestinian Content Bibliography Materials: A Resource for Instructors