Explore how Visualizing Palestine uses data and research to create powerful visuals that shift the narrative on Palestine.

Join us for a discussion with Visualizing Palestine’s executive director Aline Batarseh and board member Dr. Lena El-Malak for an introduction to Visualizing Palestine’s work on using data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences in order to provoke narrative change.
Date: Monday, October 2, 2023
Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m
Door Opens: 6:30 p.m
Location: Universtiy of Toronto, Department of Anthropology, Room 246, 19 Ursula Franklin St.
Register Here
Come learn about creative ways you can utilize well researched visuals to raise awareness on the root causes of injustice in Palestine, from the ongoing Nakba, to settler colonialism, to apartheid, to the silencing of speech, to collective action against Israeli oppression.
We look forward to seeing you and your friends at this public event. The discussion will be dynamic, and we’ll enjoy some light snacks together.
This event is hosted by the Hearing Palestine Initiative and Health Workers Alliance for Palestine at the University of Toronto.